

Near Flyover, Guntur. 522004

​ St Joseph's High School, Guntur is one of the organs of the Society of J.M.J (Jesus Mary Joseph) which was started in Holland in 1822 by Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff, SJ and a few Sisters, with the main aim of promoting Women's Education. When the Society produced amazing result in the land of its origin, the Sisters desired to extend it to India, Indonesia, Africa and Australia.
Rt. Rev. John Aelen, the Archbishop of Madras, invited the J.M.J Sisters to develop the women of Andhra Pradesh, through education. The first batch of seven JMJ Sisters from Holland under the leadership of their superior, Sr. Stanislaus Terwindt, who was the member of Central Government of Netherlands from 1899, reached Guntur on 24th February 1904. They served the poor and downtrodden with vigour and dedication, sowing the seeds of the St. Joseph's High School, which was founded on 4th June 1904.
To win the confidence of the people, they toiled relentlessly and selflessly and this result in the gradual and steady growth of girls in the Orphanage, which was built in 1905. As years passed by, the strength of the school increased to more than three thousand with greater infrastructural facilities and excellent academic climate. The pioneers, as worthy daughters of Fr. Wolff, worked like giants and set up the first Catholic Recognized School in the state in 1925 which gained momentum with Sr. Stanislaus Swamikannu as Headmistress, who was endowed with finer qualities of the head and the heart and made untiring efforts to raise the school to its lofty heights and obtained the permanent recognition of the D.P.I (Department of Public Instruction) of Madras.
Academic excellence, character formation and producing men and women committed to service are the goals of St. Joseph's High School. The school has stead fastly pursued the goais, producing competent and dedicated Administrators, Professors Social Workers, Architects, Doctors, Engineers, Writers etc....