

Near Flyover, Guntur. 522004
1. All the pupils must be clean and tidy in their person, dress and manners. Students should always keep their
books clean, neatly manned with their names written on them. Scribbling on books desks, walls, etc. is
absolutely forbidden.
2. Parents are requested not to send their children with any valuables like gold ornaments, cash, etc. If they do
so, the management will not hold any responsibility for the loss.
3. Parents Guardians or requested not to enter the classroom or interview the teacher, or to see the students
without the prior permission of the Principal.
4. Parents are specially requested to pay the fee in time.
5. Parents are requested to see that the children are regular, punctual and not take the children out during the
school days. Special permission to leave earlier than usual will be granted when a request in writing is made
by the Parents or guardian to the Principal.
6. Parents are requested to check and supervise daily the homework diary and co-operate with school authorities
to see that their children are diligent at their home work and lessons.
7. Parents are not allowed to send relatives or tutors or family friends to collect the reports or to meet the
Principal when they themselves are asked to come in person.
8. Students are not allowed to bring cell phones to the school.
9. Parents are highly recommended to meet the Principal and teachers, at least once in a term to discuss the
progress of the children.