

Near Flyover, Guntur. 522004
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At St. Joseph's School, we believe that parental cooperation is essential for the proper education and development of our students. To ensure the holistic growth and progress of your child, we kindly request that you maintain regular communication with the school regarding their performance and well-being.
Homework and Home Study:
Please ensure that your child dedicates sufficient time daily for homework and study at home.
Progress Reports and Records:
Regularly check and sign your child’s Progress Report.
Monitor their attendance, punctuality, and behavior.
Ensure your child is properly groomed, including neat uniforms, trimmed nails, and a suitable haircut.
Address any communications, such as requests or concerns, to the Principal.
Kindly mention your child’s Class, Section, and Admission Number in all communications.
Parent-Teacher Meetings:
The second Saturday of each month is set aside for parent-teacher meetings. We encourage you to take this opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their academic performance and behavior.
We request all parents/guardians to attend these meetings regularly.
School Visits:
You are welcome to visit the school to meet your child’s teachers after school hours, with prior permission from the Principal or Coordinators.
Please avoid visiting classrooms during school hours without permission.
Student Appearance and Participation:
Ensure your child is well-groomed and neat when coming to school.
Encourage your child to actively participate in various school activities.
Updates and Communication:
Inform the school promptly of any changes in your address or contact details.
For suggestions or concerns, kindly meet the Principal in person.
Lunch Boxes:
If delivering a lunch box to your child, please leave it at the gate with a tag indicating the child’s name, class, and section.
Fee Payments:
Pay school fees on time. Before each exam, Hall Tickets will be issued only to students with no pending fee dues.
SMS notifications will be sent if there are any fee arrears.
School Attendance:
Kindly avoid requesting permission to take your child out of school during school hours for non-urgent matters.
If your child is unwell or feeling particularly fatigued, they should stay home and rest.
We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and commitment to your child’s education. Together, we can ensure that each student at St. Joseph's School thrives both academically and personally.
Warm regards,
Principal, St. Joseph’s School