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Near Flyover, Guntur. 522004
Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff, SJ
The Inscrutable Hand of God Founder of the Society Jesus Mary Joseph (JMJ)

1779 : Born on March 9th in Luxemburg
1802 : Ordination - Diocesan priest
1815 : Novice in Jesuit novitiate in Belgium
1816 : Ordination - Jesuit Priest
1819 : Missionary in Culemborg
1822 : Superior of the Jesuits of the Dutch Mission.
1822 : Founded the Society of JMJ on July 29th
1857 : Died on 31st October in Culemborg
Glory be to God
For Our Father Founder
Father Mathias Wolff
The wonder worker
Who started the JMJ Society
With patrons high and exalted
You have been our shepherd
With the greatest dedication
Your humanity, Charity and fidelity
Are a strength and support for one and all
Specially Your Disciples, the J.M.J's
Praise be to God
For this man of God and a man of vision
Change me into thyself dear Lord,
That I may live in Thee and for Thee alone.
May my happiness on earth consist in fulfilling Thy Holy Will, Amen.
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